Window treatments (sliding panels) how to order?
Question by Sam A: Window treatments (sliding panels) how to order?
If I order vertical sliding fabric panels, will they determine the width of the panels and the number of panels? The site(s) only ask for the height and width of the window.
Best answer:
Answer by saaanen
They will ship you the measurements of the panels that will fit the dimensions you send.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Its quite simple to do so.. and these online shops always have a customer support section for assistance.
Simple & Easy Steps:
1- Measure the height inside of the window frame.
2- Measure the overall window width.
Be sure to measure single sliders and double sliders correctly.
3- Measure the depth of the window frame where the posts will be mounted (Inside top and bottom of window frame).
If there are shades, blinds, etc. mounted in the frame that may interfere with the guard or if the depth of the window frame measures less than 3/4 inches, the guard will need to be mounted on the outside of the window frame (on the window trim or wall). Add at least 1-1/2 inches to the inside window frame height measurement. The extra 1-1/2 inches is the width of both end posts.
just send the details to the window treatment store.
Hope this helps you.