What is the best window shade for a window that’s over my bathtub?
Question by Naz: What is the best window shade for a window that’s over my bathtub?
I have a window that’s over my bathtub and would like some suggestions for window treatment. I have used vinyl shades and they get rusty with all the moisture.
Best answer:
Answer by Diane A
I would consider a good quality window privacy film (this is one: www.wallpaperforwindows.com/pc/home.asp, but if you google privacy film for windows a lot come up). You can get ones that look like the glass is opaque or sandblasted. Another option is to put a decorative panel over the glass inside and mount with quarter round (such as “3 form” varia -www.3-form.com), another is to place a stained glass window inside the window, again mounting with quarter round. Anything else will have trouble with moisture.
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Hi, I use vinyl mini blinds in my window that is over the bathtub http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=vinyl%20mini%20blinds&tag=recommended0b-20&index=garden&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 They are so inexpensive and last a number of years before they show any rust. Window film would not work for us as we also use it as a shower but that is an option if it is being just used as a bathtub and your window sill can take the moisture. http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=window%20film&tag=recommended0b-20&index=garden&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 We also cover our window sill with marine varnish as it is wood to protect it. Some people prefer to use the vinyl curtains http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=vinyl%20curtains&tag=recommended0b-20&index=garden&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 Hope this helps.